Log Browser > index.php

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                $cnt = 1;

		# do header
		echo	"<html>";

		if ( $cnt_done < $cnt_all ) { 
			print( '<meta http-equiv="refresh" ' .
				'content="30;url=http://www.checkmypages.com/sudoku/index.php?action=Batch1">' . 
			"\n" ); 

		echo "	<body link=#3333FF alink=#3333FF vlink=#3333FF bgcolor=$background_color>
			<a href=$web_page>Back</a>\n";

		if ( $action == 'Batch' or $action == 'Batch1' ) {
			$sql = "select board,state from sudoku_pos where created_time > now()";
		} else {
			$sql = "select board,state from sudoku_pos order by state";
			$cnt_done = 0;
		$result = run_sql( $sql );

		while( list( $str,$level ) = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) 
			and time() - $start_time < 20 ) {

			$orig = explode(',',$str);

                        echo "<hr><br><table width=99%><tr><td width=25%><center>
				<a href=$web_page?action=Get&level=$level&str=$str>$level puzzle " . 
				($cnt + $cnt_done ) .
				" of $cnt_all </a> </center> <table border=1>";

			for( $c=0;$c<9;$c++ ) {
				echo "<tr>";
				for( $i=0; $i<9;$i ++ ) {
					echo "<td bgcolor=$col_0_play width=14 height=14>";
					$p=$c*9 + $i;
					if ( $orig[$p] > 0 ) {
						print( $orig[$p] );
					} else {
						print( "." );
					echo "</td>";
				print( "</tr>\n" );

			print( "</table>\n" );
			$cnt ++;

			if ( $action == 'Batch' or $action == 'Batch1' ) {

				# ZZZ

				echo "</td><td valign=top width=30%><ul>\n";

				$msg = ereg_replace( '^.*left>', '<br>', $msg );
				$tmp = explode( '<br>',$msg );
				$c = 0;

				foreach( $tmp as $t ) {

					if ( $c > ( count($tmp) /2) ) {
						echo "</ul></font></td><td valign=top width=30%><font size=-3><ul>\n";

					if ( strlen($t) > 5 and ereg( '[A-Z]',$t )  ) {
						if ( ereg( 'Finished', $t) ) { 
							$t = "$t " . show_difficulty( $difficulty ); 
						echo "<li>$t\n";

				echo "</ul></font></td></tr></table>\n";

				$level = show_difficulty( $difficulty );
				$sql = "update sudoku_pos set created_time=now(), state='$level' where board='$str'";

				run_sql( $sql );
				sleep( 1 );

			echo "</td></tr>\n";

		echo "</table>\n";

		echo "</body></html>\n";

		if ( $action == 'Batch' ) {
			echo "or <a href=$web_page?action=Batch>process more puzzles</a>\n";
			$sql = "select board,state from sudoku_pos order by created_time";
		} else {
			$sql = "select board,state from sudoku_pos order by state, created_time";

		$result = run_sql( $sql );

		while( list( $str,$level ) = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) ) {

			$orig = explode(',',$str);

                        echo "<hr><table width=99%><tr><td width=25%><center>
				<a href=$web_page?action=Get&level=$level&str=$str>$level puzzle $cnt</a>
				<table border=1>";

			for( $c=0;$c<9;$c++ ) {
				echo "<tr>";
				for( $i=0; $i<9;$i ++ ) {
					echo "<td bgcolor=$col_0_play width=14 height=14>";
					$p=$c*9 + $i;
					if ( $orig[$p] > 0 ) {
						print( $orig[$p] );
					} else {
						print( "." );
					echo "</td>";
				print( "</tr>\n" );

			print( "</table>\n" );
			$cnt ++;

			if ( $action == 'Batch' ) {


				echo "</td><td valign=top width=30%><ul>\n";

				$msg = ereg_replace( '^.*left>', '<br>', $msg );
				$tmp = explode( '<br>',$msg );
				$c = 0;

				foreach( $tmp as $t ) {

					if ( $c > 30 ) {
						echo "</ul></font></td><td valign=top width=30%><font size=-3><ul>\n";

					if ( strlen($t) > 5 ) {
						echo "<li>$t\n";

				echo "</ul></font></td></tr></table>\n";

				$sql = "update sudoku_pos set created_time='" .
					date( 'Y-m-d' ) . " " . date( 'H:i' ) . 
					"' where board='$str'";
				run_sql( $sql );

				# stop after 20 secs
				if ( time() - $start_time > 20 ) {

				sleep( 1 );
			} else {
				print( "</td><td><table><tr><td><code>" );
				for( $c=0;$c<9;$c++ ) {
					if ( $c % 3 == 0 ) { echo "+---+---+---+<br>\n"; }
					for( $i=0; $i<9;$i ++ ) {
						if ( $i %3 == 0 ) { echo "|"; }
						$p=$c*9 + $i;
						if ( $orig[$p] > 0 ) {
							print( $orig[$p] );
						} else {
							print( "." );
					print( "|<br>\n" );

				echo "+---+---+---+";

				echo "</code></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>\n";

		if ( $action == 'Batch' ) {
			echo "<a href=$web_page?action=Batch>process more puzzles</a>\n";

		echo "</body></html>\n";


	} elseif ( $action == 'Save' ) {
		$mode = 'Play';

		$str = get_param( 'str' );

		if ( $str > '' ) {
			# clear board
			for( $c=0; $c<81; $c++ ) {
				$orig[$c] = 0;

			$str = ereg_replace('[^0-9.-]','',$str);

			if ( ereg('-',$str) ) {
				$str = ereg_replace('[.]','0',$str);
				$str = ereg_replace('[^0-9]','',$str);
				$orig = $str.split("(?!^)");
			} else if ( strlen( $str ) < 200 ) {
				# if a shorter string then no gaps between digits

				# clean up the string
				$str = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$str);
				$str = ereg_replace( '\|','',$str );
				$str = ereg_replace( '[+][-]+','',$str );
				$str = ereg_replace( '[-]+[+]','',$str );

				# search for the most often occuring character
				# and assume this is the empty square char
				$bsf_cnt = 0;
				$bsf_chr = '+';

				foreach (count_chars($str, 1) as $i => $val) {
					if ( $val > $bsf_cnt ) {
						$bsf_cnt = $val;
						$bsf_chr = (string) chr($i);

				# remove anuthing other than digits 1-0 and empty square char
				$keep = '[^' . "1-9${bsf_chr}" . ']';
				$str = ereg_replace( $keep,'',$str );

				# populate the board
				for( $c=0; $c<81; $c++ ) {
					if ( substr( $str,$c,1 ) == $bsf_chr || strlen( $str ) < $c) {
						$orig[$c] = 0;
					} else {
						$orig[$c] = substr( $str,$c,1 );
			} else {

				# prepare string
				$str = ereg_replace( '\|',' ',$str );
				$str = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$str);
				$str = trim($str);

				$words = explode( " ",$str );

				$i = 0;
				$p = 0;

				$word = current($words);

				while( $word > '' ) {

					# get word
					if ( strlen( $word ) == 1 && $word >= 1 and $word <= 9 ) {
						$orig[ $p++ ] = $word;

					} elseif (	$word > 9 
							or eregi( 'a', $word )
							or eregi( '[1-9a].*-', $word )
							or in_array( $word, array( '-', '+', '_', '.' ) ) ) {
						$orig[ $p++ ] = 0;

					$word = next($words);


		$action = 'Pause';

	} elseif ( $value > '' ) {

		# check square clicked
		if ( $square >= 0 and $square <= 80 ) {

			if ( $mode == 'Create' ) {
				$sq[$square] = array( $value );
				$board[$square] = 0;

			$flg = 0;

			foreach( $lines as $line ) {
				$type = array_shift( $line );

				if ( in_array( $square,$line )  ) {
					foreach( $line as $p ) {
						if ( $board[$p] == $value ) {
							$flg = 1;
							$msg = "<font color=red>There is a $value already " .
								"in that $type</font>";

			if ( $flg == 0 ) {
				play_move( $square,$value );

				if ( $mode == 'Create' ) {
					$pos = array(99);
					$val = array(99);
					$orig = $board;
					$square = ($square + 1) %81;
		} else {
			$msg = "<font color=red>You must select a square and then choose a value</font>";

	} elseif ( $action == 'Empty' && $square >= 0 ) {

		if (	$square >= 0 and $square <= 80
			and $board[$square] > 0 
			&& ( in_array( $square,$pos ) or count($pos) == 1 ) ) {

			$board[$square] = 0;
			$orig[$square] = 0;


			if ( count($pos) == 1 ) {
				$action = 'Create';
			} else {
				$action = 'Pause';

			# remove from playlist
			$tmp = array_search( $square, $pos );

			if ( $tmp > 0 ) {
				$pos[$tmp] = 82;
				$val[$tmp] = 0;


	} elseif ( $action == 'Next' ) {
		$str = get_param( 'str' );

		$level = 'Next';
		$mode = 'Play';

		create_new_sudoku( $str );

		$action = 'Pause';

	} elseif ( $action == 'Restart' ) {

		$mode = 'Play';
		$orig[83] = time();

	} elseif ( $action == 'Normal' ) {
		$mode = 'Play';
		$last_move = -1;
		$info_screen = 0;

	} elseif ( $action == 'Hint' ) {

		if ( $mode != 'Info' ) {
			$mode = 'Info';
			$last_move = -1;
			$info_screen = 1;

			$old_sq = $sq;
			$old_pos = $pos;
			$old_val = $val;
			$old_board = $board;
			$old_orig = $orig;

			make_a_move( 4 );

			$sq = $old_sq;
			$pos = $old_pos;
			$val = $old_val;
			$board = $old_board;
			$orig = $old_orig;

			# show hint
			if ( finished() ) {
				$msg = "The puzzle is finished !";
			} elseif ( $last_move == -1 ) {
				$msg = ereg_replace( ').*$', ')Can you see a move here?',$msg );
			} else {
				$msg = "($last_move)Can you see a move here?";

		} else {

	} elseif ( $action == 'Play' || $action == 'Step' ) {

		$mode = 'Play';

		# square is set to 99 on first call so we can reset the board
		if ( $action == 'Step' && $square != 99 ) {

			$square = 0;
			$total_comp_time = 0;
			$msg = 'Sit back and watch the puzzle get solved';
		} else {
			$last_move = -1;
			$prev_opt_cnt = count_options_left();
			$start_time = time();

			make_a_move( 4 );

			$total_comp_time += (time() - $start_time);

		if ( $testing ) { echo $last_move; }

		if ( finished() ) {
			save_in_db( 0 );

			if ( ! finished() ) {
				$msg = "Oh dear, I'm stuck !!!";
			} else {
					$msg = "finished !";
					log_msg( $msg );

			$action = 'Pause';

	} elseif ( $action == 'Create' or $action == 'Clear' ) {

		$mode = 'Create';

		if ( $action == 'Clear' ) {
			for( $c=0; $c<81; $c++ ) {
				$board[$c] = 0;	
				$orig[$c] = 0;	

			$action = 'Create';

		$pos = array(99);
		$val = array(99);
		$orig = $board;
		$orig[81] = '';

		$msg = "To edit select squares and enter starting values";



	print_board( );

	print( "<input type=hidden name=mode value=$mode>" );

	if ( $action == 'About' ) {
		$mode = 'Play';
		$action = 'Pause';

