Food Nutrient Database
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between Bread stuffing, bread, dry mix and Bread, cracked-wheat
Bread stuffing, bread, dry mix
Bread stuffing, bread, dry mix, prepared
Bread stuffing, cornbread, dry mix
Bread stuffing, cornbread, dry mix, prepared
Bread, Indian, fry, made with lard (Navajo)
Bread, banana, prepared from recipe, made with margarine
Bread, boston brown, canned
Bread, cornbread, dry mix, enriched (includes corn muffin mix)
Bread, cornbread, dry mix, prepared
Bread, cornbread, dry mix, unenriched (includes corn muffin mix)
Bread, cornbread, prepared from recipe, made with low fat (2%) milk
Bread, cracked-wheat


Reports: List:Other:
data taken from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory
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