Food Nutrient Database
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between Mollusks, octopus, common, coo and Mother's loaf, pork
Mollusks, octopus, common, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, octopus, common, raw
Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, raw
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, canned
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, cooked, breaded and fried
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, cooked, dry heat
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, raw
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, cooked, dry heat
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, raw
Mollusks, scallop, (bay and sea), cooked, steamed
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, imitation, made from surimi
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, snail, raw
Mollusks, squid, mixed species, cooked, fried
Mollusks, squid, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, raw
Moose, liver, braised (Alaska Native)
Mortadella, beef, pork
Mothbeans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Mothbeans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Mothbeans, mature seeds, raw
Mother's loaf, pork


Reports: List:Other:
data taken from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory
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